New dexos1™ Gen 2 Engine Oil Formulation Addresses TGDI Engine Issues

Today, automakers are required to produce more fuel efficient vehicles. They also must produce vehicles that meet the driving experience and expectations of their buyers.
We all want to save money at the pump, but let’s face facts—Hybrid vehicles are not for everyone. Hybrid vehicles also have a higher sticker cost. Automakers needed another option capable of meeting the fuel economy regulations along with the performance and economic requirements of their customers. Enter the Turbocharged Gas Direct Injection (TGDI) engine.
TGDI engines offer a number of benefits that can help achieve some of the gains in fuel efficiency required without sacrificing performance. Turbochargers allow smaller displacement engines to produce more torque at lower rpms resulting in better drivability. Smaller more fuel efficient TGDI engines with horsepower ratings close to larger (less fuel efficient) engines also allow automakers to install smaller engines in larger vehicles resulting in fuel economy gains.
However, smaller engines operating at higher output levels while under heavier loads run hotter and work harder than a larger engine in the same vehicle. Turbochargers also create specific issues for engine oils.

To address requirements of their new engine designs General Motors (GM) has implemented the second generation specification to the proprietary dexos1™ engine oils. The dexos1™ Gen 2 engine oils exceed common industry specifications, focusing on fuel economy gains matched with extremely high levels of performance and durability. Altra SHL dexos1™ Gen 2 addresses the following specific TGDI engine issues:
Low Speed Pre-Ignition (LSPI): One important issue that has surfaced with TDGI engine technology is LSPI. This random pre-ignition or knock occurs when TDGI engines operate at low speeds and high loads creating high cylinder pressure. LSPI problems range from an audible annoyance to a driver to the root cause of significant engine damage. The Stochastic pre-ignition (SPI) test has been developed to evaluate the engine oils ability to mitigate LSPI. Altra SHL dexos1™ Gen 2 formulations now meet the performance level required to provide protection against the potential for pre-ignition in TGDI engines when evaluated by the strict limits of the Stochastic pre-ignition (SPI) test. Altra SHL dexos1™ Gen 2 meets the currently defined OEM requirements and the anticipated future industry performance targets for LSPI protection.
Turbocharger Deposits: Turbochargers are essentially a compressor that force air into the combustion chamber for efficiency and power increases. Think of a turbocharger as a spinning fan forcing air into your engine (forced induction) that is powered by the extremely hot exhaust gas exiting your engine. Turbochargers get extremely hot because they are exposed to hot exhaust gas. Turbochargers have bearings that need lubrication as they spin at high RPMs. Oil pumped to the turbocharger encounters very high temperatures as it lubricates spinning turbo parts and is returned to the engine. Engine oils that are not fortified for these temperatures can leave deposits that effect fuel economy and turbocharger life. For this reason, the turbocharger deposit test was developed to evaluate the oils ability to resist deposits under the extreme temperatures associated with turbochargers and ensure high levels of deposit control.
Altra SHL dexos1™ Gen 2 delivers enhanced performance in the areas of wear, cleanliness and fuel economy in the latest TGDI engine designs, exceeding the capabilities of market GF-5 oil.
Manufacturers and Marketers of engine oils must certify and obtain a licenses to produce or market a dexos1™ Gen 2 engine oils. The Altra SHL dexos1™ Gen 2 product formulations are fully licensed. You may review our licenses on our Licenses and Certifications page.